Trainers, so much has happened in Pokémon GO over the last several hours! At the moment, here is what we know about research tasks.
MEW: Mew is now available in Pokémon GO! By completing all eight stages of the Special Research task, you have an encounter with Mew! While you are guaranteed a catch, it is a very unique encounter. From the video we've seen, Mew is always encountered in AR mode and is invisible!
As for Shiny Mew, it's too early to tell if it's available. Being a Mythical Pokémon, Mew cannot be transferred to Professor Willow's lab. Mew has also had a variety of new moves added to its movepool.
For the moment, you are only able to obtain one Mew. This is because you completed the storyline of this specific Special Research task. Once Professor Willow gives us another on a future date, you should be able to get another Mew or a different Mythical Pokémon. A quick note about our current task: we won't spoil it all, but do not evolve a Magikarp until stage six!
NEW DITTO DISGUISES: Ditto has dawned some new disguises! In addition to Taillow, Pidgey, Hoothoot, Sentret, Zubat, Magikarp, Yanma, and Rattata, Ditto can now be disguised as Gastly, Gulpin, Zigzagoon, and Whismur.
FIELD RESEARCH: Field Research tasks are available from spinning PokéStops. Each PokéStop has a set task for each day, which is the same for everyone. If you want, you can reclaim a deleted task by re-spinning the PokéStop it came from.
Field Research tasks have a variety of rewards, such as Pinap Berries, Poké Ball, and Pokémon encounters. Those encounters won't be Legendary (unless it's the Research Breakthrough encounter), but they will have good IVs like Raids and Eggs. Another task is throwing accurately. If the task is throwing a "Nice" throw, a "Great" or "Excellent" will also count.
SHINY MURKROW: This isn't related to research tasks, but it is still important. The dataminer Chrales has discovered the sprite for Shiny Murkrow in the games network traffic. This would indicate that another event may be incoming. A reasonable theory would be a Valentine's-style mini-event for April Fools Day, but we'll have to see!
Thanks for reading, Trainers! As a reminder, the Eggstravaganza and Lugia Raids will end at 1:00 PM PT on Monday, April 2, 2018.
UPDATE: Shiny Murkrow has begun to spawn. Additionally, Pokémon are temporarily using their pixilated sprites from the main-series games as Niantic's April Fools joke.
MEW: Mew is now available in Pokémon GO! By completing all eight stages of the Special Research task, you have an encounter with Mew! While you are guaranteed a catch, it is a very unique encounter. From the video we've seen, Mew is always encountered in AR mode and is invisible!
As for Shiny Mew, it's too early to tell if it's available. Being a Mythical Pokémon, Mew cannot be transferred to Professor Willow's lab. Mew has also had a variety of new moves added to its movepool.
For the moment, you are only able to obtain one Mew. This is because you completed the storyline of this specific Special Research task. Once Professor Willow gives us another on a future date, you should be able to get another Mew or a different Mythical Pokémon. A quick note about our current task: we won't spoil it all, but do not evolve a Magikarp until stage six!
NEW DITTO DISGUISES: Ditto has dawned some new disguises! In addition to Taillow, Pidgey, Hoothoot, Sentret, Zubat, Magikarp, Yanma, and Rattata, Ditto can now be disguised as Gastly, Gulpin, Zigzagoon, and Whismur.
FIELD RESEARCH: Field Research tasks are available from spinning PokéStops. Each PokéStop has a set task for each day, which is the same for everyone. If you want, you can reclaim a deleted task by re-spinning the PokéStop it came from.
Field Research tasks have a variety of rewards, such as Pinap Berries, Poké Ball, and Pokémon encounters. Those encounters won't be Legendary (unless it's the Research Breakthrough encounter), but they will have good IVs like Raids and Eggs. Another task is throwing accurately. If the task is throwing a "Nice" throw, a "Great" or "Excellent" will also count.
SHINY MURKROW: This isn't related to research tasks, but it is still important. The dataminer Chrales has discovered the sprite for Shiny Murkrow in the games network traffic. This would indicate that another event may be incoming. A reasonable theory would be a Valentine's-style mini-event for April Fools Day, but we'll have to see!
Thanks for reading, Trainers! As a reminder, the Eggstravaganza and Lugia Raids will end at 1:00 PM PT on Monday, April 2, 2018.
UPDATE: Shiny Murkrow has begun to spawn. Additionally, Pokémon are temporarily using their pixilated sprites from the main-series games as Niantic's April Fools joke.
SOURCE: Community Reports