Like the Valentine's Day event, the anniversary event brought changes to Eggs. Some changes have been needed since the last major Egg shuffle at the time of Gen 2, but others are definitely unwanted and completely unneeded. Reports are still coming in, but here are the changes we currently know of:
2KM: In addition to Pichu now wearing a hat, Spinarak now hatches from this Egg category.
5KM: Mantine, Pineco, and Gligar were moved down from 10KM Eggs. Teddiursa, Chikorita, Marill, Hoppip, Cyndaquil, Swinub, Totodile, Natu, Wooper, and Snubbull were all added to the 5KM Eggpool.
10KM: Porygon was moved up from 5KM Eggs. Chinchou was also added to this Egg category.
So lets start discussing with the more positive outcomes. Mantine, Pineco, and Gligar were all less-than-desirable hatches from 10KM Eggs, so it's good that they were removed. Totodile, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Teddiursa, Swinub, and Snubbull all deserved to be in Eggs because of their rarity in certain biomes.
Moving on to the bad news, Natu and Wooper are again in Eggs after being removed recently for being too common. Spinarak (an equivalent of Weedle) and Hoppip (a weaker equivalent of Bellsprout) are two other "trash" Pokémon that are now littering Eggs.
In neutral news, Porygon is now in 10KM Eggs. This means that, although one will have to walk more, the chance of hatching a Porygon is increased with less alternative options. Chinchou, although common, is a good attacker after it evolves into Lanturn. That said, a Pokémon like Chinchou should NOT be in a 10KM Egg. Marill is another Pokémon that, although it has a place in Eggs, does not belong where it is currently stationed. Although, with Marill coming to Eggs, this may be a sign of Gen 3 (and, therefore, Marill's baby, Azurill) coming soon.
We are still learning the new Egg Chart, and PNN's page will update as information becomes available.
2KM: In addition to Pichu now wearing a hat, Spinarak now hatches from this Egg category.
5KM: Mantine, Pineco, and Gligar were moved down from 10KM Eggs. Teddiursa, Chikorita, Marill, Hoppip, Cyndaquil, Swinub, Totodile, Natu, Wooper, and Snubbull were all added to the 5KM Eggpool.
10KM: Porygon was moved up from 5KM Eggs. Chinchou was also added to this Egg category.
So lets start discussing with the more positive outcomes. Mantine, Pineco, and Gligar were all less-than-desirable hatches from 10KM Eggs, so it's good that they were removed. Totodile, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Teddiursa, Swinub, and Snubbull all deserved to be in Eggs because of their rarity in certain biomes.
Moving on to the bad news, Natu and Wooper are again in Eggs after being removed recently for being too common. Spinarak (an equivalent of Weedle) and Hoppip (a weaker equivalent of Bellsprout) are two other "trash" Pokémon that are now littering Eggs.
In neutral news, Porygon is now in 10KM Eggs. This means that, although one will have to walk more, the chance of hatching a Porygon is increased with less alternative options. Chinchou, although common, is a good attacker after it evolves into Lanturn. That said, a Pokémon like Chinchou should NOT be in a 10KM Egg. Marill is another Pokémon that, although it has a place in Eggs, does not belong where it is currently stationed. Although, with Marill coming to Eggs, this may be a sign of Gen 3 (and, therefore, Marill's baby, Azurill) coming soon.
We are still learning the new Egg Chart, and PNN's page will update as information becomes available.
Credit to GO Hub for bringing this information to light.