The update released on Saturday confirmed the release of at least some of Generation 3 Pokémon during or shortly before the 2017 Halloween event. We know the five Ghost-types (Sableye, Duskull & Dusclops, Shuppet & Banette) from Generation 3 will be released, but what else may come and when?
GEN 3 POKÉMON: There are also some Dark-type Pokémon (such as Mightyena and Cacturne) that would also fit the Halloween theme. And with Niantic knowing that we've seen the new loading screen, adding some unexpected Pokémon would definitely get the hype-meter up even higher.
It is worth mentioning that the latest update has slightly shifted our release timeline. Originally, we thought Generation 3 (in its entirety, with the exclusion of Legendaries and Ditto-like holdbacks) would be released sometime this week. But with the Halloween Event probably going to feature double Candy, Niantic would be incredibly foolish to release over a hundred new species before. Generation 3 is the major update that will hopefully last us until February (of course, assisted by events), and a double Candy event straight away (on top of the addition of Rare Candy) will make Generation 3 last a much shorter time.
We also may receive a battle-system update, or at least Abilities, with Generation 3 (which will be necessary to make a lot of the new Pokémon relevant in the metagame). Releasing a small portion of Generation 3 (similar to how Togetic and the babies were released before Gen 2) will give Niantic more time to finish the new code. On top of that, should we not get a battle update, the early release will give some Pokédex-fillers their time in the spotlight.
If Niantic is to do this right, they'll release a spooky preview of the new Pokémon for Halloween and release the remaining species within 48 hours of the event's conclusion. This will keep the hype rolling for Pokémon GO and raise the overall Pokémon excitement heading into the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon next month.
The worse thing Niantic could do is not release the entirety of the Generation until the holiday season or 2018. The game was as close to dead as it was after the 2016 Holiday Events with just Raids until the v0.79.2 update. Sure, Niantic wants to get it right, but it would be wrong at the same time not to release the overdue update this month.
So what do we expect for Halloween? Definitely increased spawns of spooky Pokémon, double Candy, the Mimikyu hat, and possibly an in-game sale. The roster of creepy, scary Pokémon we expect to be featured are listed below:
- Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
- Witch-Hat Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu
- Zubat, Golbat, Crobat
- Cubone, Marowak
- Meowth, Persian
- Drowzee, Hypno
- Hoothoot, Noctowl
- Spinarak, Ariados
- Misdreavus
- Murkrow
- Houndour, Houndoom
- Shuppet, Banette
- Sableye
- Duskull, Dusclops
- Cacnea, Cacturne
- Poochyena, Mightyena
NEW SHINY POKÉMON: New Shiny Pokémon is always a possibility. We saw a Gengar in the leaked loading screen, with very well could be Shiny. Shiny Gengar's only difference is a slightly (very slight) lighter shade of purple. It would be ridiculous to go into the third generation of Pokémon GO with only two Shiny families. Releasing all, or at least a large amount, of new Shinies sometime before 2018. This would provide a lot of avid Shiny-hunters from the main-series a good piece of interest.
Niantic certainly has a lot on their plate. We certainly hope Niantic does a lot more than add new Pokémon with the update. We saw new encounter movements, moves, Evolution Items, and Berries with Generation 2, so we hope the trend continues with Gen 3. Let the train of hype roll on, Trainers!
GEN 3 POKÉMON: There are also some Dark-type Pokémon (such as Mightyena and Cacturne) that would also fit the Halloween theme. And with Niantic knowing that we've seen the new loading screen, adding some unexpected Pokémon would definitely get the hype-meter up even higher.
It is worth mentioning that the latest update has slightly shifted our release timeline. Originally, we thought Generation 3 (in its entirety, with the exclusion of Legendaries and Ditto-like holdbacks) would be released sometime this week. But with the Halloween Event probably going to feature double Candy, Niantic would be incredibly foolish to release over a hundred new species before. Generation 3 is the major update that will hopefully last us until February (of course, assisted by events), and a double Candy event straight away (on top of the addition of Rare Candy) will make Generation 3 last a much shorter time.
We also may receive a battle-system update, or at least Abilities, with Generation 3 (which will be necessary to make a lot of the new Pokémon relevant in the metagame). Releasing a small portion of Generation 3 (similar to how Togetic and the babies were released before Gen 2) will give Niantic more time to finish the new code. On top of that, should we not get a battle update, the early release will give some Pokédex-fillers their time in the spotlight.
If Niantic is to do this right, they'll release a spooky preview of the new Pokémon for Halloween and release the remaining species within 48 hours of the event's conclusion. This will keep the hype rolling for Pokémon GO and raise the overall Pokémon excitement heading into the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon next month.
The worse thing Niantic could do is not release the entirety of the Generation until the holiday season or 2018. The game was as close to dead as it was after the 2016 Holiday Events with just Raids until the v0.79.2 update. Sure, Niantic wants to get it right, but it would be wrong at the same time not to release the overdue update this month.
So what do we expect for Halloween? Definitely increased spawns of spooky Pokémon, double Candy, the Mimikyu hat, and possibly an in-game sale. The roster of creepy, scary Pokémon we expect to be featured are listed below:
- Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
- Witch-Hat Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu
- Zubat, Golbat, Crobat
- Cubone, Marowak
- Meowth, Persian
- Drowzee, Hypno
- Hoothoot, Noctowl
- Spinarak, Ariados
- Misdreavus
- Murkrow
- Houndour, Houndoom
- Shuppet, Banette
- Sableye
- Duskull, Dusclops
- Cacnea, Cacturne
- Poochyena, Mightyena
NEW SHINY POKÉMON: New Shiny Pokémon is always a possibility. We saw a Gengar in the leaked loading screen, with very well could be Shiny. Shiny Gengar's only difference is a slightly (very slight) lighter shade of purple. It would be ridiculous to go into the third generation of Pokémon GO with only two Shiny families. Releasing all, or at least a large amount, of new Shinies sometime before 2018. This would provide a lot of avid Shiny-hunters from the main-series a good piece of interest.
Niantic certainly has a lot on their plate. We certainly hope Niantic does a lot more than add new Pokémon with the update. We saw new encounter movements, moves, Evolution Items, and Berries with Generation 2, so we hope the trend continues with Gen 3. Let the train of hype roll on, Trainers!