Trainers, more Generation 3 code is being downloaded right now to your game! It points towards the upcoming Generation 3 update and Halloween events! Credit to ZeCharles for discovering this information. Lets dive in!
MIMIKYU HAT: The hat resembling Mimikyu, a Ghost-type Pokémon from Generation 7, is having its text assets downloaded, which confirms that we'll see it for the Halloween Event.
HOENN BADGE: The new badge for Generation 3 Pokémon now has its description downloaded from the server.
BLACKLISTED APP CODE: In v0.79.2, dataminers discovered code to support a feature that blocked all forms of play if targeted apps were also installed on your device. Although that code may or may not be complete, the new warning message is now being downloaded. Spoofing, and possibly third-party tracking, may soon become a thing of the past.
POSSIBLE BUDDY EVOLUTIONS: Umbreon and Espeon are only able to be acquired (except for the onetime name trick) after walking them as your Buddy. New text assets are being downloaded that refer to evolutions that may only be done after walking a set amount of kilometers. This could be used for Pokémon that evolve by friendship in the main-series games. We'll have to see!
BATTLE PARTIES: When Raids were added there was code for a battle party feature that allowed you to set a team of six Pokémon. Confirmation dialogue for adding a Pokémon to a team and transferring a team member is now being downloaded.
We have just taken another major step towards the release of Generation 3 and some other additional features! Stay tuned, Trainers, because the next major update and event are almost upon us!
MIMIKYU HAT: The hat resembling Mimikyu, a Ghost-type Pokémon from Generation 7, is having its text assets downloaded, which confirms that we'll see it for the Halloween Event.
HOENN BADGE: The new badge for Generation 3 Pokémon now has its description downloaded from the server.
BLACKLISTED APP CODE: In v0.79.2, dataminers discovered code to support a feature that blocked all forms of play if targeted apps were also installed on your device. Although that code may or may not be complete, the new warning message is now being downloaded. Spoofing, and possibly third-party tracking, may soon become a thing of the past.
POSSIBLE BUDDY EVOLUTIONS: Umbreon and Espeon are only able to be acquired (except for the onetime name trick) after walking them as your Buddy. New text assets are being downloaded that refer to evolutions that may only be done after walking a set amount of kilometers. This could be used for Pokémon that evolve by friendship in the main-series games. We'll have to see!
BATTLE PARTIES: When Raids were added there was code for a battle party feature that allowed you to set a team of six Pokémon. Confirmation dialogue for adding a Pokémon to a team and transferring a team member is now being downloaded.
We have just taken another major step towards the release of Generation 3 and some other additional features! Stay tuned, Trainers, because the next major update and event are almost upon us!