After beating your Groudon, look for the following CP values. These values are those of a Groudon with perfect IV's.
Groudon is a very heavy hitter. It has 270 attack, 251 defense, 182 stamina. As a Raid Boss, it has a CP of 51968. Groudon is a Ground-type. It has access to the following moves:
Walrein, LaprasLapras and Walrein are equally as good. They can be used as Ice-type or Water-type counters. Watch out for Solar Beam, though!
Here are the moves you'll want on a Lapras:
Here are the moves you'll want on a Walrein:
other viable countersOther usable Ice-types include Piloswine, Jynx, and a Feraligatr with Ice Beam.
Feraligatr can also be used as a Water-type counter. Additionally, so can Vaporeon, Swampert, and Kingdra. A Salamence deals raw damage, and can also learn the super-effective Hydro Pump. Dragonite and Mewtwo can also deal high damage. Venusaur and Breloom are the best of the other, usable Grass-types. |
IMAGE CREDIT: The Pokémon Company