After defeating the Lickitung, look for the following CP values. These values are those of a Lickitung with perfect IV's.
Lickitung has 108 attack, 137 defense, and 180 stamina. As a Raid Boss, it has a CP of 6433. Lickitung is a Normal-type. It has access to the following moves:
HIGH-DPS countersHere are some other counters that will prove useful:
Ho-Oh will resist Lickitung's Power Whip, and deal a deluge of damage with its Legendary attack stat. For more super-effective counters, Ursaring is a great choice. While it won't benefit from S.T.A.B., it will deal a good amount of damage. For raw damage counters, Salamence, Metagross, Dragonite, and Latios are best. |
IMAGE CREDIT: The Pokémon Company