For those who will be playing the main-series games coming out on Friday, this warning is for you. Early-release copies of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon were datamined quickly. We will only be talking about the new Pokémon species and official news (ones that didn't exist as of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon), and NOT giving any spoilers about the storyline. You have been warned, so do not read File 4 if you want to go in the games with a clean mind.
1. Niantic doubles down
The announcement of Niantic's new game, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, sent ripples of uncertainty through some of the Pokémon GO community. Many people, including us, were worried that Niantic may start neglecting their other games. Niantic quickly shut those rumors down with a blog post and Tweet, saying they're 100% committed to Pokémon GO and Ingress still.
Niantic, surprisingly, also promised us a news update sometime in the week. We expect this to be the announcement of a new EX Raid system and maybe a bit of news on the release of Generation 3.
2. update rollback
The latest update for the game was withdrawn and replaced with an earlier version this week. Bugs were plaguing this update, so it was good it was withdrawn. Although, this is the second time in the past few months that an update has had to be scrapped. Niantic really needs to start testing these updates!
3. Ultra sun & ultra moon: pre-release copies datamined
MIMIKYU'S Z-MOVE: In an official trailer on Friday, the Pokémon Company revealed the animation of Mimikyu's exclusive Z-Move. Known as Let's Snuggle Forever, the move is a super-charged version of Play Rough.
From the datamine, we know that Solgaleo, Lunala, Mimikyu, Lycanroc, Kommo-o, and Necrozma are the only Pokémon to get new, exclusive Z-Moves. We have to say that this is a bit surprising, as many seventh-generation Pokémon could use a broken, overpowered Z-Move. And considering that three of those Pokémon are forbidden Legendaries, there really wasn't a point for introducing these new Z-Moves.
A NEW MYTHICAL SPECIES: Dataminers have found code for a new Mythical Pokémon. The Pokémon, known as Zeraora, is the equivalent to a Mythical Lucario. The Pokémon looks very similar to a Shiny Lucario mixed with a bit of Luxray and Electivire.
Zeraora is a pure Electric-type Pokémon with Volt Absorb. It's signature move, Plasma Fists, is a damage-dealing form of Ion Deluge. Don't expect Zeraora to be available for a while, as its event will probably tie in with its suspected movie in 2018. Zeraora's base stats are 88/112/75/102/80/143.
ULTRA BEASTS: There is only one more new Ultra Beast that hasn't been revealed yet. For Shiny-hunters out there, none of the Ultra Beats are Shiny-locked (although the main Legendaries, Mythicals, and Tapu Guardians are).
UB ADHESIVE: We know that the Ultra Recon Squad's "mascot," UB Adhesive is known as Poipole. It is apparently not catchable, and gifted to you sometime in the story (like Type: Null in Pokémon Sun and Moon). Poipole's base stats are 67/73/67/73/67/73.
Poipole will evolve into Naganadel when leveled up with Dragon Pulse. Naganadel is a Poison-and-Dragon-type that looks similar to a hybrid between Mega Beedrill and Dragalge. It's base stats are 73/73/73/127/73/121.
UB BURST: UB Burst is known as Blacephelon. Its base stats are 53/127/53/151//79/107.
UB ASSEMBLY: UB Assembly is known as Stakataka. Its base stats are 61/131/211/53/101/13.
ULTRA NECROZMA: Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma weren't the only new forms for this mysterious, black prism. Through a feature known as "Ultra Burst," Necrozma reaches its full power and emits radiant light. Necrozma becomes a crazy-looking, Psychic-and-Dragon-type. It is so powerful that it's base stat total beats out Arceus, and is only surpassed by Primal-Reverted and Mega-Evolved Pokémon.
As if this thing wasn't already totally broken, it has an exclusive Z-Move. Light That Burns the Sky absorbs all of the light, energy, and color from everything around Necrozma to bring the hammer down on opponents. Ultra Necrozma's base stats are 97/167/97/167/97/129.
Dusk Mane Necrozma's base stats are 97/157/127/113/109/77. Dawn Wings Necrozma's base stats are 97/113/109/157/127/77.
REGIONAL VARIANTS: This caused us utter disbelief: there are no new regional variants in USUM. There really is no reason for this, and it is a major disappointment. By no means is this a game-ruiner, but this is one thing that everyone seemed to expect.
Many "leaks" and "rumors" surfaced on 4Chan in the run-up to Ultra Sun and Moon, with a great majority of them claiming that new Alolan forms would be introduced. Even credible leaks (the ones predicting the game names, Necrozma forms, Team Rainbow Rocket, a new Elite Four member, etc) predicted new Alolans (specifically an Alolan Oddish), but we got none. This is mind-blowing to us, and we are still grasping on to that one, last hope that they'll be introduced later. SOURCE: GO Hub